Saturday, December 26, 2009

Small Group Reveal

Small group reveal is an exciting and hilarious time at Charis. All the girls have been living in the house for a few weeks and have already started building relationships with each other and small groups is a way to deepen those relationships and also to grow together as we learn more about Christ. This year there are seven small groups, and for the reveal each small group leader selects a theme for her group to dress up as. Each girl in her group gets an invitation in her mailbox, telling her what to wear to the reveal. This year’s themes ranged all the way from caveman to 80’s prom and Doctor Seuss.

On the night of the reveal our lovely cook Heather reads a short introduction about each small group leader and they emerge decked out in whatever theme they have selected. All the girls in their group scream and get excited and take lots of pictures. It’s a great way to start off the year.

Friday, December 11, 2009


It’s hard to believe fall term has already come and gone. Looking back on it makes me excited for the upcoming terms. This year, as the Outreach Coordinator, I have been working at getting the girls involved in our community. So far we have hosted a prayer walk, run a fundraiser, worked at Stone Soup, and sponsored a Child in Ecuador. For the prayer walk, a combination of people from all the Christian houses came and prayed throughout Oregon State’s campus. Our fundraiser was done to support Encompass-a local ministry that helps the homeless. Stone Soup is also another ministry that helps the homeless by providing a hot meal every day.

At the beginning of the term, leadership started to discuss a Charis Mission Trip. Naturally, as the Outreach Coordinator, I was stoked! We had many ideas bounced around, but Jessica (my co-leader) and I settled with going to Tijuana, Mexico. There is an orphanage there that we are going to work with. It is called The City of Angels. Please pray for wisdom for Jessica and me as we start planning our trip. Also, if you have any questions about the trip, feel free to email me at

Also upcoming winter term, we are going to start a mentor program with the YES House. The YES House works with adolescent delinquents. It is going to be really different to work them, but I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

I am so blessed to be able to serve your daughters (sisters, granddaughters, etc.) and I am really encouraged by them. I’m looking forwards to being able to watch them continue to grow in the Lord while serving Him.

-Kim Emert

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Connect Week

When I first moved in to Charis it was hard in a sense because I didn't know anyone, but the events that were held during connect week worked wonders. I remember going to be beach and some of the older girls were going to take a picture of some of us freshman, yet because we didn't know each other the picture turned out with about 1-2 feet between each girl, so they made us retake the picture standing closer together. It is a wonder to look back now and think of how each one of us in the picture are so much closer now, we wouldn't even imagine standing 2 inches away from each other in a picture. Also, on that beach trip we went out to eat where I was sitting next to more girls who I had never talked to before. Now it's amazing that we can look back and laugh at the silly things we talked about. God really brought us all together throughout this first term and I can't even imagine how much closer we will get throughout the rest of this year. He really knew right where to place me and I feel so blessed for that! :)
-Kimberly Harnish

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fall Retreat

Calvary Chapel’s annual Fall Retreat was in Sunriver this year, October 23-25. About 140 college students attended. Most arrived late Friday night where they registered and then went to main meeting place: a large wooden cabin/sanctuary. Here college students were lead by powerful worship and an encouraging message. After this, campers went back to their fully-furnished cabins and met in small groups to talk about things they were going through and pray together.

Saturday, campers were given lots of free time. Some played soccer in the field, some went to the sauna/spa on the campgrounds, others met and played guitar, watched the Beaver game, etc. There were hilarious Disney –themed skits performed Saturday night. The message was very strong and the worship helped many feel close to the Lord. The power of God was very present this night, and some were left joyfully emotional because of it. After worship, small groups met again, where many girls shared their hearts and received healing.

Sunday morning everyone packed up and met in the sanctuary. We had another great message, by Calvary Chapel’s School of Ministry teacher, Adam Poole, and some worship.

After leaving Sunriver, everyone met up at the famous Pilot Butte Burger in Bend for burgers and fries. Not only were campers leaving Fall Retreat with a full stomach, but they were also leaving with faith, trust, joy, refreshment, love, new friends, and even for some, a new hope in Jesus!

For me personally, small group times were the best part of the trip. Being able to let other believers know my struggles and get prayer for it was incredibly freeing and it was comforting to feel loved by so many!

-Crystal Stewart

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Quick Note

So I made the executive decision to do away with the quarterly newsletter, and instead do a blog. My hope is that with the blog you can follow a long as things happen as opposed to waiting until the end of the term.

Hopefully we will get all caught up for fall term by Friday. Feel free to comment and ask questions.

-Angie Colton
Assistant House Manager