Monday, February 22, 2010

Gearing up

This week we began the process of praying for who would be filling the role of managers next year. I know it seems really early (the year is only half over) but we wanted to make sure we could put in plenty of time sitting at the lord's feet and not rush such an important decision. We would greatly appreciate all the prayers we could get. Some of the things you can pray for are:
~That the Lord would speak and we would listen
~The the hearts of the girls who are supposed to fill this role would be prepared for what is coming
~That we as a leadership and a house would be united in this decision

We are also getting ready for our house retreat this weekend. We are going to the Udell's (Amy and Jessica live here) house in Dallas Friday through Sunday. Cindy Rogers from Calvary Chapel is going to be speaking. There will also be ample time for bonding together has a house and within small groups. Some way you can be praying for us:
~God would prepare the hearts of all who are going
~That God would protect Cindy from attack and use her to touch the lives of all of us going
~That girls would walk away refreshed and filled with the spirit.

Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers. I don't know what we would do with out you all. Your prayers are definitely felt.

-Angie Colton

1 comment:

  1. Angie,

    I want to thank you and your leadership team for being forward thinkers (it is never to early to begin praying for and preparing for the next group of leaders!)

    I will be praying for the leaders at Charis.

    Randy Emert, Chair, Grace Bible Church (Portland), Council of Elders and Deacons (and Kim and Becky's Dad!)
